Monday, January 11, 2010

Guess Who?

All right folks! The first quiz on the blog. This one is definitely a give away heheh. So no clues given. Keep your answers coming via the comments function. Do remember to leave your name too so we know who got it correctly.

Of course, the owner of this photo should not be participating....hahah....For those who have yet to send me your cutest shots, keep your photos coming! =)

The correct answer will be revealed within 2 weeks so stay tuned!


  1. Ms 'Stop-at-2', Cynthia!!!

  2. haha.. yes, i also think it's cynthia! if everyone is guessing it's her, how i win?? got prize? is it air ticket to france for 2??

  3. but so obvious is cynthia

  4. Hello Robin, I got dimples meh??

  5. They have sunk underneath those extra flesh during the binging years.
