Thursday, January 7, 2010

10 Tips for Improving Timing in Dragonboating

Ok, time to post something related to dragonboat. Not so sure if this is tested and proven but maybe something worth a read. =)

  1. Heads Up.
  2. Don't watch the paddler in front, move with body in front and watch top hand.
  3. Practice long distance continuous paddling.
  4. Get rid of people with big egos or super type As who always put their head down and paddle madly out of sync when you aren't looking or in a race.
  5. Get a coach who will correct anyone when they get out of sync.
  6. Have a common technique for the entire crew.
  7. Reshuffle paddlers within the boat who can't be in sync with the strokes to a better position.
  8. Recover with bottom hands rising to the catch (gives crew a chance to sync up - don't go right in)
  9. Use a common paddle for the crew.
  10. Pushing hard and raising intensity during training without raising stroke rate - teaches stroke rate control while changing power and intensity.
*article from

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