Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Luck Predictions for the year of the Tiger

Hi Team! As we usher in the year of the Tiger, thought it will be good for all of us to have a peek into our luck predictions for the year…..so here it is, check this out….

~ RAT ~
Rat in the team: Derek
Secret Friend: Ox
Allies: Dragon & Monkey

Mixed Year – For Wealth & Career
Relationship and reputation luck improves
Excellent prospects in love & marriage
Very good education & exam luck
Can have health worries. Need Cures.
Conflict with three killings
Easily distracted by romantic liasisons
More sociable & friendlier
Life force & spirit Essence is average.

Best Months: October – Wealth
March , December – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: Feburary, April, November, January 2011

~ OX ~
Ox in the team: Dyon
Secret Friend: Rat
Allies: Snake & Rooster

Average Year – Career luck is good
New opportunities at work. Promotion luck.
Can expand business. But stay alert.
Health luck not good. Should remedy.
Easy to fall sick. Look after your health.
Be patient & control your temper.
Life force and Spirit Essence is low.

Best Months: August – Wealth
October – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: Feburary, September, November

Tigers in the team: Yazid, Cynthia, Aaron
Secret Friend: Boar
Allies: Horse & Dog

Difficult Year – Average Spiritual Essence
Grand Duke Jupiter resides in the Tiger direction.
Competitive pressures and intense politics in office
Be wary of the epidemics and cut down on travelling
Health luck not good. Should remedy
Believe in yourself and stay optimistic
Moderate relationships. Less socially active
Financial luck not great
Life force is weak.

Best Months: August, November – Wealth
October – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: February, September, November

Rabbit in the team: Peiyi
Secret Friend : Dog
Allies : Sheep & Boar

Above Average – Excellent speculative and windfall luck.
Strong inner confident. Positive mind.
Career luck is good but avoid office romances.
Good networking and popularity.
No excitement in love and relationships.
Spirit Essence is good but Life force is weak.

Best Months: March, December – Wealth
May – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: April, June, January 2011

Dragon in the team: Juliana
Secret Friend : Rooster
Allies : Rat & Monkey

Not An Easy Year – Money flow out easily.
There is betrayal & cheating.
Hard work & determination will overcome financial & work-related setbacks
Jealousy & politicking – be alert & avoid gossiping.
Easily feel like giving up. Pessimistic.
Avoid risky investments. Stay low profile.
Love life is not promising.
Average health, some stress and tension.

Best Months: April, January 2011 – Wealth
June – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: May, July

Snakes in the team: Edmund, Choon Kiat, Darrick
Secret Friend : Monkey
Allies : Ox & Rooster

Good Year – Great success & plenty opportunities.
Working career is smooth sailing
Avoid too much partying and staying out late.
Socially more active and mixing with people
Life force and Spirit Essence is great.
Health luck is good.

Best Months: April, January 2011 – Wealth
June – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: May, July

Horses in the team: Janus, Wendy, Ryan
Secret Friend : Sheep
Allies : Tiger & Dog

Good Year – but full of stress & strains.
Quarrels and stress create obstacles.
Stay calm. Do not be hasty in making decisions.
Plenty of inner energy and self confidence.
Small success during the year.
Life force and Spirit Essence strong.
Health luck is moderate.
Love luck is strong but you need to be considerate and to avoid arguments.

Best Months: September – Wealth
February, November – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: March, October, December

Sheep in the team: Darius
Secret Friend : Horse
Allies : Boar & Rabbit

Difficult Year – Double affliction causes obstacles and troubles.
Must have 5 Yellow Cure at home
Good year to lie low. Stay cool.
Do not overspend. Be patient.
Stay focused on your work. Work hard.
A little success but also some set backs.
Need to take care of your health. Eat healthy.
Life force & Spirit Essence is very weak. Need remedy.

Best Months: February, November – Wealth
April, January 2011 – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: March, May, August, October, December

Monkey in the team: Matt
Secret Friend : Snake
Allies : Dragon & Rat

Not a Good Year – misfortune causes loss, obstacles & difficulties.
Conflict at work and with the law.
Lack of direction. Shortage of success.
Sui Po Star brings money problems and relationship woes.
Take care of your health. Do more exercise.
Life force and Spirit Essence is positive.

Best Months: February, November – Wealth
April, January 2011 – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: March, May, August, October, December

Roosters in the team: Adrian, Wee Lim, Alvin, Kennix, Dylan, Jackson
Secret Friend : Dragon
Allies : Ox & Snake

Good Year – filled with achievements and developments.
Promise of increase of wealth & money.
Upward mobility & superlative success.
Busy and constantly moving around.
New Growth & creativity.
Love luck is good. No problem here.
Life force and Spirit Essence is strong.

Best Months: July – Wealth
September – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: August, October

~ DOG ~
Dogs in the team: Johnny, Summer, Georgin, Fengjie, Dianne
Secret Friend : Rabbit
Allies : Horse & Tiger

Mixed Year – small wealth & success luck
Good opportunities for establishing long term projects.
Be careful of whom you trust. You need allies and good relationships.
Love luck is unstable.
Exercise more and be careful of what you eat.
Happy occasions and small victories during the year.
Avoid making too many major decisions this year. Stay confident.
Life force and Spirit Essence is weak.

Best Months: June – Wealth
August – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: March, July, September, December

~ PIG ~
Pig in the team: nil
Secret Friend : Tiger
Allies : Rabbit & Sheep

Average Year – Lack of vitality, physically and mentally.
Will get support from colleagues and subordinates.
Stay low key & do not simply trust people to avoid being cheated.
Gains from short term investment.
Health is average but better to eat at home.
Life force and Spirit Essence is average

Best Months: June – Wealth
August – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: March, July, September, December

*Reference from Lilian Too

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