Saturday, February 6, 2010

Featured Rower of the Month - Juliana!

Hey all, time for our second featured rower of the month! This month, we speak to our super cool and rare breed of female left rower hahaha....Juliana! Woo!

How long have you been with Sunday Dragons?
Around 10 months. (Hmm....feels longer than that leh....and I'm quite sure quite a few of us will agree with me....see, you create such an impactful presence in the team!)

What made you join the team?
I wanted to join a more competitive team outside the corporate team that I have been training with. I was introduced to Sunday Drgaons and I found it exhilarating and challenging during the trial sessions. I got hooked since then. (Go Juliana! Go Sunday Dragons!)

What do you like most about the team?
The unbeaten spirit of the team. The constructive criticisms, the bickering and non-stop teasings during trainings. And of course my favourite coach, Hak Loon. I have improved so much since joining the team, thanks to the coach and the wonderful team-mates!! (Whilst I am writing this, I have this funny feeling that somehow the boys in the team when reading this, would silently be hoping that one of the reasons I like the team is because of the handsome cute guys...ha! Those interested to find out will have to come down for a trial to see for yourself!) (Totally agree! We are such a fun and cool team!)

Is dragon boating your favourite sport? What else do u do during weekends (when double training sessions have yet to kick in haha)?
Dragon Boating is one of my favourite sports, amongst others like swimming, wakeboarding etc etc. What makes this different is that dragon boating is truly a team sport and there is no one better or stronger player in the team. We row as a team and we either lose or win as a team. What do I do during the weekends? Well, I try to take it easy after the crazy morning trainings with my corporate team and Sunday Dragons respectively. I usually laze around at home with my dog, I read (I read a lot) and/or invite friends over for good food and wine. (Siu Pak your doggie is sooooo cute!)

Tell us about what you do for a living.
I am an office lady working for a bank. (Erm ok.....a highly paid office lady you must be! haha!)

Ok you are not local. So where are you from? How did you end up here?
I was born and raised in Hong Kong - am half English half Chinese. Decided I needed a break from the hectic crazy lifestyle in HK and Singapore seemed the next best option. Haven't regretted the decision for a single day!

Tell us something about you that few people know.
I've had surgeries operated on both ends of my body :p (Erm, u must be injury prone....better take good care of yourself...although you are only 18 haha!)

We all know you love to drink. Tell us what is so good about your favourite drink.
Who says I love to drink!?! (Think I am in denial. Ha!) I think it's more the company of good friends over some good food and wine that I really enjoy. I don't have a favourite drink though on a typical outting with friends, I tend to choose a nice chilled Sauvignon Blanc or a Lychee Martini.

What do you hope to see in Sunday Dragons in 2010?
Win win win win win win win!!! (And more cute handsome hunks!!!!!) (Yes win!!! Erm, for the cute handsome hunks, I'm quite sure the guys think we already have a team full of them haha....)

Lastly, how tall are you exactly (without heels please)?
172cm. Strange question.. why? Thank god you are not asking for my weight. I don't like to lie. Ha. (Haha.....just curious....and the guys in the team who may think they are taller than you, they now know they are wrong haha....)


  1. Juliana's Secret AdmirerFebruary 6, 2010 at 3:07 PM

    Additional Questions from a Secret Admirer (don't be disappointed but I am not Hak Loon la):
    1) When was the last time you drink water?
    2) Which one is more painful? Quit drinking or having to read improperly-written English?
    3) Why do you stick out your tongue so much when you write? You always Bleah=:p ?
    4) Do HK Dragonboaters shout 'Fatt Ah!' like what Singaporeans do in 'Huat Ah!'?
    5) Is it true that you swimmed with the N-Team back in HK? Tell us more.

  2. Juliana's Secret AdmirerFebruary 6, 2010 at 5:19 PM

    Hey Juliana
    Sorry hope that wasn't too English didn't make the mark. swim-swam-swum

  3. Siu Pak looks happy with Julie!
