Sunday, February 28, 2010

Training - 7 March 2010

Date: 7 March 2010

Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm

Venue: Water Venture (Kallang)

*Land training before rowing. Please meet at 8.45am outside SDBA for warm up.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Durian Lovers!! THE Fiesta is Back

No more tears, Robin!

Check out their Brand new creations for 2010!
- Pure D24 durian pulp is paired with a lavish combination of lady's fingers, espresso and mascarpone, then sprinkled with cocoa powder to present a cupful of sheer luxury. There is no alcohol in this unique version of tiramisu.

Durian Eclair - A generous amount of D24 pulp is sandwiched between choux pastry and drizzled with either chocolate or fondant (sugar icing) for a delightful treat.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ego is his ally, armour, weapon and fuel

Ego is his ally, armour, weapon and fuel
Section: Sport
The Straits Times 16/02/2010
Page: B9
No. of words: 943 SPORTING LIFE

THE room feels crowded. The world's fittest man, his ego and I are sitting in a room. Chris McCormack, winner of almost every triathlon that matters, says he idolises Muhammad Ali. If you look closely, there is a resemblance.

Apart from the minor fact that he's white, owns a bad haircut and probably a lousy left jab, he's a modern version of Ali. There's no scrap he doesn't think he can win, no rival he can't beat and nothing he won't say to advertise all of that.

Ali wasn't the first to think he was The Greatest, but he said it most proudly and loudly. Elite athletes don't always articulate it, but they think it. This belief they are The Greatest is evident in Federer's dismissive forehand, Kobe's walk, the glare of Woods and Armstrong.

Ego is the champion's engine. At 16, an athletic nobody, McCormack grabs an A4 piece of paper and draws up a list of 28 races he's going to win. The short distance world championship. The Chicago triathlon. The Escape from Alcatraz triathlon. The Hawaii Ironman.

His brothers tell him, "You're a dreamer, mate". Older folk call him an "arrogant little turd". McCormack no longer has the paper. It's in his dad's house in Sydney. It's framed. Every win ticked off. No one is laughing now.

I want to meet McCormack because I've never met the world's fittest man and he said he was. You might think he's a fine horn blower. Actually, he's very likeable, his cockiness doesn't offend, it's amusing, instructive, it's refreshing in an athletic universe of the tedious cliche.

What McCormack presumably means is that whoever wins the Ironman world championship (3.8km swim, 180.2km bike ride, 42.2km run), and he once did, owns the title of "world's fittest man".

But I have to ask, what about the others. Like the Tour de France guys. Naah. "I know some, they can't run two miles." Decathletes? Nope. They have more power but "they run a mile and fall over".

He knows I'm having fun and plays along. He's also, like most athletes, a believer that his sport is the toughest. "We exercise at higher intensity at long periods. If the Romans ever wanted to get a message across the land, someone to hurdle rivers and run, they'd call the triathlete."

Then I show him something from the Net about a fellow called Joe Decker, who is referred to as The World's Fittest Man.Apparently, in one 24-hour session, Decker biked 100 miles, ran 10, hiked 10, power-walked five, kayaked six, skied 10 on a NordicTrack, rowed 10, swam two, not to mention an assortment of a few thousand crunches, jumping jacks, push-ups and some weightlifting.

McCormack looks at the paper and goes: "Solid". Then he says: "I never had a crack at it." As if to say, who knows, mate. How can you not like this guy?

Ego is many things to him. It is his ally. He races because he thinks he is the best. Else why race? "If you don't believe in it (your dream), who believes in it?"

Some athletes, he says, are asked, "How do you think you'll go, and they reply, I hope I go well." Hope, he shudders, if you're hoping after 20 weeks of training, go home.

McCormack's intentions are never disguised because coy and him can't sit in the same post code. For him, publicly stating what he wants to achieve is like putting a goal in motion. If it means pressure, then fine, he likes its taste. Uttering his ambitions can also help unnerve an opponent. In a sense, his ego is both his armour but also his weapon.

In Germany once, he's asked how he feels before a race and he says fantastic. Then he reminds the cameras, and thus his rivals, that he's never lost in Germany. They know, but he's reinforcing the point. He's thrusting doubt into the equation. And for him this is the battle, ego on one shoulder against doubt on the other, both jousting to rule the athlete's mind.

There is no coach in your corner in the triathlon. No three-minute break. No time-out. You're alone, he says, out there "on the fine line of suffering".

It is when doubt hisses in the ear, about the training session you missed, about the rival who looks stronger. But ego can resist this, ego can propel you forward one foot at a time. You have to own this self-belief because in suffering there is no one you can turn to, he says, but yourself.

Ego is one last thing to McCormack. It is his fuel. He doesn't care for sports scientists. White coats, he calls them. "These guys with their PhDs, they tell you what you can't do." They tell him he can't win the Ironman Hawaii. He sweats too much and it's humid. He is too big at 78 kilograms, when the perfect weight for it, he knows, is about 69 kilograms.

Can't, they tell him. Can't is not in his vocabulary. He wins Hawaii in 2007. But his ego isn't satiated. At 36, he wants to win it again, just to prove a point to the white coats. They can measure Vo2 max, he explains. "But they can't measure heart." Ali, you think, would approve.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

14 Blades The Movie

Hmm...looks like our guys are very inspired by the movie
《锦衣卫》. Check them out....

紧衣卫 number 1

紧衣卫 number 2

紧衣卫 number 3

Once a 紧衣卫,always a 紧衣卫。
In case you think I'm so boliao to think of this, you are wrong. This is obviously an original idea that only 1 person can think of. And he is none other than one of them, 紧衣卫 number 2.
Haha, have a good week ahead everybody!

MH Workout Meal: High-Protein Salad

Power up for your toughest workout with this high-protein, low-fat salad.
(Clockwise from top left)

How much?
2g, roughly chopped

They are high in vitamin K, calcium and iron – all of which are crucial in producing glycogen for a healthy liver. This can play a part in weight loss. What’s not to like?

How much?
To taste, sliced.

Its antiinflammatory properties will boost muscle recovery. Plus, it improves digestion and contains almost no calories. Try not to eat too much though; it could irritate a sensitive stomach.

How much?
2 good handfuls (30g)

Rocket is a great source of folic acid, which helps to build muscle – so you’ll have something to show once you’ve shifted that gut.

How much?
Their high fibre levels stabilise blood sugar levels and reduce mid-afternoon cravings. Peas also provide the nutrients that support energy-producing cells and systems of the body. Just what you need before a workout.

How much?
These health-boosting beans are a great source of cholesterol-lowering fibre, and are high in protein and vitamin C. They also detoxify the body and help with weight-loss efforts.

How much?

A superfood and great source of riboflavin, which aids metabolism and iron absorption – key for energy production.

How much?

Sweet corn is low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol. It also has a low-GI and is rich in fibre, which promotes digestion.

How much?

The only veg with all nine amino acids and a nearcomplete protein. Its low-glycemic index (GI) helps you resist cravings as it will keep you fuller for longer.

2 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tbsp rice vinegar
1/2 tsp brown sugar
1/2 tbsp light olive oil
1 red chilli, diced

Mix the dressing and set aside in a suitable container. Put all the other ingredients in your favourite Tupperware. Pour over the dressing just before tucking in.

*recipe from

Training - 28 February 2010

Date: 28 February 2010

Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm

Venue: Water Venture (Kallang)

*Land training before rowing. Please meet at 8.45am outside SDBA for warm up. 8 more weeks to race!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Guess Who? III

Alright folks....this one sure is easier....keep guessing! =)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New CNY song

Here is 2010's hottest CNY song. Comes with dance steps too

Training - 21 February 2010

Date: 21 February 2010

Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm

Venue: Water Venture (Kallang)

*Land training before rowing. Please meet outside SDBA at 8.45am for warm up. 9 more weeks to first race of the year!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Luck Predictions for the year of the Tiger

Hi Team! As we usher in the year of the Tiger, thought it will be good for all of us to have a peek into our luck predictions for the year… here it is, check this out….

~ RAT ~
Rat in the team: Derek
Secret Friend: Ox
Allies: Dragon & Monkey

Mixed Year – For Wealth & Career
Relationship and reputation luck improves
Excellent prospects in love & marriage
Very good education & exam luck
Can have health worries. Need Cures.
Conflict with three killings
Easily distracted by romantic liasisons
More sociable & friendlier
Life force & spirit Essence is average.

Best Months: October – Wealth
March , December – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: Feburary, April, November, January 2011

~ OX ~
Ox in the team: Dyon
Secret Friend: Rat
Allies: Snake & Rooster

Average Year – Career luck is good
New opportunities at work. Promotion luck.
Can expand business. But stay alert.
Health luck not good. Should remedy.
Easy to fall sick. Look after your health.
Be patient & control your temper.
Life force and Spirit Essence is low.

Best Months: August – Wealth
October – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: Feburary, September, November

Tigers in the team: Yazid, Cynthia, Aaron
Secret Friend: Boar
Allies: Horse & Dog

Difficult Year – Average Spiritual Essence
Grand Duke Jupiter resides in the Tiger direction.
Competitive pressures and intense politics in office
Be wary of the epidemics and cut down on travelling
Health luck not good. Should remedy
Believe in yourself and stay optimistic
Moderate relationships. Less socially active
Financial luck not great
Life force is weak.

Best Months: August, November – Wealth
October – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: February, September, November

Rabbit in the team: Peiyi
Secret Friend : Dog
Allies : Sheep & Boar

Above Average – Excellent speculative and windfall luck.
Strong inner confident. Positive mind.
Career luck is good but avoid office romances.
Good networking and popularity.
No excitement in love and relationships.
Spirit Essence is good but Life force is weak.

Best Months: March, December – Wealth
May – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: April, June, January 2011

Dragon in the team: Juliana
Secret Friend : Rooster
Allies : Rat & Monkey

Not An Easy Year – Money flow out easily.
There is betrayal & cheating.
Hard work & determination will overcome financial & work-related setbacks
Jealousy & politicking – be alert & avoid gossiping.
Easily feel like giving up. Pessimistic.
Avoid risky investments. Stay low profile.
Love life is not promising.
Average health, some stress and tension.

Best Months: April, January 2011 – Wealth
June – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: May, July

Snakes in the team: Edmund, Choon Kiat, Darrick
Secret Friend : Monkey
Allies : Ox & Rooster

Good Year – Great success & plenty opportunities.
Working career is smooth sailing
Avoid too much partying and staying out late.
Socially more active and mixing with people
Life force and Spirit Essence is great.
Health luck is good.

Best Months: April, January 2011 – Wealth
June – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: May, July

Horses in the team: Janus, Wendy, Ryan
Secret Friend : Sheep
Allies : Tiger & Dog

Good Year – but full of stress & strains.
Quarrels and stress create obstacles.
Stay calm. Do not be hasty in making decisions.
Plenty of inner energy and self confidence.
Small success during the year.
Life force and Spirit Essence strong.
Health luck is moderate.
Love luck is strong but you need to be considerate and to avoid arguments.

Best Months: September – Wealth
February, November – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: March, October, December

Sheep in the team: Darius
Secret Friend : Horse
Allies : Boar & Rabbit

Difficult Year – Double affliction causes obstacles and troubles.
Must have 5 Yellow Cure at home
Good year to lie low. Stay cool.
Do not overspend. Be patient.
Stay focused on your work. Work hard.
A little success but also some set backs.
Need to take care of your health. Eat healthy.
Life force & Spirit Essence is very weak. Need remedy.

Best Months: February, November – Wealth
April, January 2011 – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: March, May, August, October, December

Monkey in the team: Matt
Secret Friend : Snake
Allies : Dragon & Rat

Not a Good Year – misfortune causes loss, obstacles & difficulties.
Conflict at work and with the law.
Lack of direction. Shortage of success.
Sui Po Star brings money problems and relationship woes.
Take care of your health. Do more exercise.
Life force and Spirit Essence is positive.

Best Months: February, November – Wealth
April, January 2011 – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: March, May, August, October, December

Roosters in the team: Adrian, Wee Lim, Alvin, Kennix, Dylan, Jackson
Secret Friend : Dragon
Allies : Ox & Snake

Good Year – filled with achievements and developments.
Promise of increase of wealth & money.
Upward mobility & superlative success.
Busy and constantly moving around.
New Growth & creativity.
Love luck is good. No problem here.
Life force and Spirit Essence is strong.

Best Months: July – Wealth
September – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: August, October

~ DOG ~
Dogs in the team: Johnny, Summer, Georgin, Fengjie, Dianne
Secret Friend : Rabbit
Allies : Horse & Tiger

Mixed Year – small wealth & success luck
Good opportunities for establishing long term projects.
Be careful of whom you trust. You need allies and good relationships.
Love luck is unstable.
Exercise more and be careful of what you eat.
Happy occasions and small victories during the year.
Avoid making too many major decisions this year. Stay confident.
Life force and Spirit Essence is weak.

Best Months: June – Wealth
August – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: March, July, September, December

~ PIG ~
Pig in the team: nil
Secret Friend : Tiger
Allies : Rabbit & Sheep

Average Year – Lack of vitality, physically and mentally.
Will get support from colleagues and subordinates.
Stay low key & do not simply trust people to avoid being cheated.
Gains from short term investment.
Health is average but better to eat at home.
Life force and Spirit Essence is average

Best Months: June – Wealth
August – Windfall / Money

Bad Months: March, July, September, December

*Reference from Lilian Too

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's Fengjie!

Alright, the answer is out! Fengjie!
Look out for the next one.....=)

Training Break on 14 February 2010

Hi Team,

In view of the Chinese New Year festive holidays, there will be no training coming Sunday. Training will resume same time, same place on 21 February 2010.

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Featured Rower of the Month - Juliana!

Hey all, time for our second featured rower of the month! This month, we speak to our super cool and rare breed of female left rower hahaha....Juliana! Woo!

How long have you been with Sunday Dragons?
Around 10 months. (Hmm....feels longer than that leh....and I'm quite sure quite a few of us will agree with me....see, you create such an impactful presence in the team!)

What made you join the team?
I wanted to join a more competitive team outside the corporate team that I have been training with. I was introduced to Sunday Drgaons and I found it exhilarating and challenging during the trial sessions. I got hooked since then. (Go Juliana! Go Sunday Dragons!)

What do you like most about the team?
The unbeaten spirit of the team. The constructive criticisms, the bickering and non-stop teasings during trainings. And of course my favourite coach, Hak Loon. I have improved so much since joining the team, thanks to the coach and the wonderful team-mates!! (Whilst I am writing this, I have this funny feeling that somehow the boys in the team when reading this, would silently be hoping that one of the reasons I like the team is because of the handsome cute guys...ha! Those interested to find out will have to come down for a trial to see for yourself!) (Totally agree! We are such a fun and cool team!)

Is dragon boating your favourite sport? What else do u do during weekends (when double training sessions have yet to kick in haha)?
Dragon Boating is one of my favourite sports, amongst others like swimming, wakeboarding etc etc. What makes this different is that dragon boating is truly a team sport and there is no one better or stronger player in the team. We row as a team and we either lose or win as a team. What do I do during the weekends? Well, I try to take it easy after the crazy morning trainings with my corporate team and Sunday Dragons respectively. I usually laze around at home with my dog, I read (I read a lot) and/or invite friends over for good food and wine. (Siu Pak your doggie is sooooo cute!)

Tell us about what you do for a living.
I am an office lady working for a bank. (Erm ok.....a highly paid office lady you must be! haha!)

Ok you are not local. So where are you from? How did you end up here?
I was born and raised in Hong Kong - am half English half Chinese. Decided I needed a break from the hectic crazy lifestyle in HK and Singapore seemed the next best option. Haven't regretted the decision for a single day!

Tell us something about you that few people know.
I've had surgeries operated on both ends of my body :p (Erm, u must be injury prone....better take good care of yourself...although you are only 18 haha!)

We all know you love to drink. Tell us what is so good about your favourite drink.
Who says I love to drink!?! (Think I am in denial. Ha!) I think it's more the company of good friends over some good food and wine that I really enjoy. I don't have a favourite drink though on a typical outting with friends, I tend to choose a nice chilled Sauvignon Blanc or a Lychee Martini.

What do you hope to see in Sunday Dragons in 2010?
Win win win win win win win!!! (And more cute handsome hunks!!!!!) (Yes win!!! Erm, for the cute handsome hunks, I'm quite sure the guys think we already have a team full of them haha....)

Lastly, how tall are you exactly (without heels please)?
172cm. Strange question.. why? Thank god you are not asking for my weight. I don't like to lie. Ha. (Haha.....just curious....and the guys in the team who may think they are taller than you, they now know they are wrong haha....)