Sunday, December 20, 2009

Welcome note!

A big welcome to all!

Here is a little history about how Team Sunday Dragons came about....

Founded on 15 July 2007, Team Sunday Dragons was formed by a group of us who decided that it will be fun to row with friends. We are a self-funded club manage by an Executive Committee voted in by the members while our certified professional coach is appointed by the committee.

We started as a leisure team and as we improve, we tried to be a little more competitive, taking part in quite a few major local races every year. We strive to improve ourselves every race and stay committed as a team, training and laughing together every Sunday.

So whether you are keen to try out the sport or would just like to hang around with a bunch of cool, fun and good looking people, please feel free to join us!

Life is fun around us and hope everyone in the team can truly enjoy all the sessions as fun and laughter is most important to us. Ultimately, everyone should have fun and be proud of being part of Team Sunday Dragons!


  1. Wah lao! Si-beh "tan-jia" leh! Am I the first to comment??

    Nice blog and thanks for the efforts!

  2. Looks beri PRO!!! :) Proud to be one of the team!! SA!!!

    Great Blogs,great effort!!


  3. OMG think CINDY LOW is HOT!!!!
