Tuesday, December 29, 2009

6 Rules For Surviving the Festive Binge

Rule #1: Eat High-Protein Breakfasts
Studies consistently show that having more protein in your breakfast leads you to feel fuller for longer. Adding eggs and milk to your morning meal could help you eat less during lunch.

Rule #2: Sit Facing Away From the Food
Remember this when you're at that potluck buffet. A study in the journal Obesity reports that looking at the buffet spread makes you more tempted to refill your plate.

Rule #3: Always Choose Smaller Plates
Simple reason: If there's less food on your plate, you'll eat less. Studies show that when people are presented with a larger amount of food, it causes them to eat 81 per cent more. Smaller plates carry less food. Eating with chopsticks will also help you eat slower (see Rule #4).

Rule #4: Slow Down When Munching
Slow eaters eat 201 less calories a day, say researchers from the University of Rhode Island, US, since it takes 20 minutes for your brain to realise you’ve had enough. Besides, you'll get to postpone boring small talk for longer.

Rule #5: Keep A One-Drink-Limit
Hey, it's the holidays. There's no reason why you shouldn't indulge in a little holiday spirit like everyone else. In fact, we even suggest you a drink—just keep it to one glass a day. Studies show that men who averaged one daily alcoholic drink were 18 per cent less likely to see their waistlines increase than teetotalers. This doesn't apply to those who drink more than that though.

Rule #6: Cardio
Just because it's the holidays doesn't mean you should abandon all exercise until the new year. Find the time to put in a workout or two in between the merry-making. Just do something. If nothing else, hit the dancefloor hard wherever you're partying at.

*Article from www.menshealth.com.sg

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