Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Diet Rules You Should Break

Don’t eat late at night.
“It’s the total calories you consume over a 24-hour period – and more often, over a week – that causes you to gain weight. When you eat those calories doesn’t matter,” says New York University Medical Centre’s senior clinical nutritionist Samantha Heller.

Keep a schedule for meals.
While it can help to accord some consistency to meal times, forcing yourself to eat when you’re not hungry or forcing yourself to wait when you’re hungry makes it harder to stick to your diet. “Eat when you’re hungry, not when the clock says it’s time to eat,” says Elizabeth Somer, author of Food & Mood. And of course, stop eating when you feel satisfied.

Eat more fat so you can eat less.
It has been proven that while fat does take longer to digest, “it’s actually the least satiating of any food group – so no, it will not help you control your appetite,” Somer says. The foods likely to stave off hunger the longest are proteins followed by carbohydrates, then fats, she says.

Stick to your diet strictly.
It’s okay if you caved today – just get back on track tomorrow. “Every meal matters, so if you ate that big old piece of birthday cake at lunch, get right back on track with your next meal,” Heller says. “You don’t have to have a full day of healthy eating in order for it to count.” Just maintain some discipline.

*Article from menshealth.com.sg

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