Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Featured Rower of the Month - Choon Kiat!

It's July friends! As we prepare for the most demanding race of the local dragonboat racing calendar, we decided to know more about our beloved captain, Choon Kiat!

What does Sunday Dragons mean to you?
That is everyting that is related to largonboat. Sunday Dragons is so important to me that if I recalled correctly, I have yet to miss training other than work. I even plan my holidays around training & races. Haha. (yes lah sibeh on....the other person who never misses training is like....Hak Loon lor....)

Now that you are part of the National team training squad, how many minutes do you exercise every week?
err... lost count. haha. more than i would like. (tsk. anyway, in order to reap health benefits, one should clock a minimum of 150 mins of moderate intensity physical activity every week....75 mins per week if you do vigorous intensity...dragonboat is vigorous heheh...for weight loss, 250-300 mins of moderate intensity per week please....of course, diet plays a part too...anything more than 300 mins per week may not work so well...cos research shows that some people start to eat more when they exercise more...)

Do you have days when you don't feel like training? How do you overcome that?
It is macham everyday lor. Then i think of Cindy & Chung Tai then I noe I cannot be like them. hahahaha. (I see that these 2 people are quite impactful to your life....anything to say, you 2?)

Why did you pick up dragonboating? Why not kickboxing, bodybuilding, tennis or some other team sport?
Cuz it is a team sport. luve the adrenaline of crossing the finishing line. Freaking high lor! enjoy every single second every1 tat sits on the boat is working 2wards a single goal. (I'm sure many of us feel the same about dragonboat! that's why we are all part of the team mah...)

Now that dragonboating is so close to you, what will your life be like without it?
haha. err... i oso dun noe leh. any1 got someting to intro boh? (still dragomboating!)

Who is your best friend? If it's Anson, why?
The pig is juz my bitch. Haha. my bestest fre is my wife aka my auntie. she is super supportive of everyting i do. i see more of my team mates than i see her. (so sweet.....)

Of all your boyfriends (Chung Tai, Kaiming, Anson, Alvin), who is most unforgettable? Why?
Tis 1 easy. Chung Tai! cuz he neber fail to fail me. now i noe let's do it = to 1 session out of 10. haha. (err....ok....Chung Tai again...)

What do you do to relax or have fun?
err... actually training with sunday dragons is really bery relaxing & fun. at least for me lor. haha. (I bet you find it most fun when the rest of us look like we are going to die haha!)

What is your proudest moment so far?
err...with sunday dragons is last yr when we did well for the PA paddle championship. That moment I noe we can race with the best if we want to but sadly, most of the time we chose to relax one corner onli. (Sunday Dragons Sa!)

As the founder & captain of Sunday Dragons, anything to say to the rest of the team?
err... i am juz 1 of the many that started the team lah. hope every1 will continue the sport even if Sunday Dragons is no longer ard. (Yep, after all we made many good friends and felt all the benefits from the sport!)

Tell us something about you that few people know.
err... i really hate exercising. (Yea right....*roll my eyes*)

Describe yourself in less than 10 words!
i live to eat! (This is true! heheh...)

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