Monday, May 3, 2010

Featured Rower of the Month - Jackson!

How time flies! We are into the 5th month of 2010! This month, we speak to one of our newest and most ON rowers of the team, Mr Jackson!

Being one of the newest additions to the team, what made you join us?
Thanks to Alvin's active & persistent recruiting! He asked me a few times near the end of last year if I'm interested to row, and I was rather interested to pick up a new activity. What's more, on top of the exercise, I get to have a nice tan! (Haha, this is probably Alvin's biggest contribution to the team! We are happy you are one of us!)

How has your life changed since joining Sunday Dragons?
No more late Saturday nights! And everytime I see a friend or colleague that I've not met for a while, I will have to explain why I became so tanned.... (Isn't this just one of the best things that has happened to you? heh.)

Tell us how you feel about the sport and the team.
Rowing is much, much more technical than I had thought! And what is really interesting is the team dynamics where people of different sizes and fitness row in unison. Speaking about team, I think the company is really what made the experience so enjoyable! SD is full of funny people and every training session is full of fun and laughter (and sometimes, badly sung songs) (Darius actually sound not bad, Alvin is the one who always spoils it. =/). And oh, here's the obligatory sentence about SD full of good looking people... (Great that you are enjoying the sport! How about getting some of your friends to join us too? Anyway, we ARE good looking, not obligatory ok!)

You have just gone through your first dragonboat race with us. Tell us how you feel about it.
Gone in a flash! It was over before I could think of anything! I think my techniques are not good enough to keep up. Need more training!! And it was also a very wet race! (Thanks Robin!) (Look forward to more races to come!)

Tell us about what you do for a living.
I'm working with the government agency that stamps passports, check car boots and issue ICs. If you dunno, (shame on you), I'm working at ICA. (Please lor, we know ok...we are not only good looking, we are smart people too!) Currently I'm involved in developing operational projects, but am waiting for my secondment to Ministry of Home Affairs that should take place soon.

How did you end up in this profession?
I sold 4 years of my life (and my soul!) to the government for the price of a tertiary education. So instead of pushing paper at some ministry or something, I had wanted something more frontline and interesting. And hence my choice of ICA, where I can catch smugglers, illegal immigrants etc. Ironic how I'm now gonna get posted to do the policy work I had wanted to avoid. (Wah seh! Another scholar in the team! You see, we are a bunch of smart people bluff...)

What other things do you do during your free time?
I'm doing muaythai, but have not gone for a couple of months now due to an injury. I'll also try to visit the gym twice a week when possible. I also go to the golf range to pop some balls occassionally. And of course, I've to accompany my wife when she feels like going out for a shopping spree! (Very well-balanced, very good!)

We know you are Alvin’s friend. Honestly, what do you think of Alvin as a friend? (you can be honest, no problem haha!)
He is fun to hang around with, cos when you're not laughing at his jokes, you'll be laughing at him! And he sucks at chess. (Ahahaah.....he is just plain stupid! And ugly!)

Tell us something about you that few people know.
I can eat a lot. And I really mean a lot! (Next time ask u to organise team buffet!)

Describe yourself in less than 10 words!
Newbie rower seeking improvement! (Way to go Jackson! Sunday Dragons Sa!)

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