Saturday, April 3, 2010

Featured Rower of the Month - Peiyi!

Hello Folks! Its April and we are all gearing up for the first race of 2010! As we train hard, let us get to know our super soft spoken girl and one of our youngest rower on the team better...I bet quite a few of us don't even know how her voice sound like cos she is always so soft haha!

How long have you been in the team and what made you join us?
About ten months, first introduced to me by my sister. Cause it’s a team sport. I like the energy in the boat where everyone row together. (eh, get your sister to join us lah! Quick quick, can come for trial sessions first mah....after April race ask her to come try out leh...)

What does Sunday Dragons mean to you?
A group of people who are passionate about what they do especially in this sport. (Thanks thanks, I cannot agree with you more haha.)

Tell us about 2 members in the team whom you look up to and why.
Chin Mien and Georgin. Cause Chin Mien is always mentally very positive and Georgin is a very focus and calm person. Both of them (and Cynthia too haha) are like iron woman. (Hahaha....err...iron woman....ok lor....none of the guys in the team impress u? hahah...but i can understand la....just look at them....*sigh*)

Has participating in dragonboat rowing changed you in any way?
Yah physically I have a bump now on my right side permanently Haha but I guess it had made me stronger mentally and physically fitter too with the training sets though sometimes I feel like throwing the paddle into the river. (A bump? Oh my god, hope its nothing painful or yes yes, i always feel like throwing the paddle into the river too haha....but we always tahan and after that will feel damn good about ourselves....)

Tell us about what you do in school and what's next in your life.
I am a chemistry student soaked in all the toxic fumes, breathing in chloroform and getting myself semi-knocked out during lab. Why I choose chemistry, guess it was the better subject I did for A levels. As for what is next in my life, I am still figuring out before I face a mid 20s crisis haha. (Wah, you sure damn high everytime u are in lab lor haha...)

What other things do you do during your free time?
Volunteer at MINDs teach the children there simple crafts and other sane and normal things any human being will do like eat, sleep, go for movies, read.. (wah volunteer at leh...sibeh on lah you...)

What is your favourite sport before you took up dragonboating?
Maybe jogging (leisurely haha if that is still considered a sport) cause can activate the cells, see people, see trees and maybe some dog poop on the floor too haha.

Do you have a boyfriend? Tell us about him!
Haha nope. (ok tell us the next time what you look for in a boyfriend we help you keep a lookout haha...)

Tell us something about you that few people know.
Flying bugs, insects, cockroach, anything that has wings and more than 2 legs are my worst enemies. (u mean you are scared of birds and most animals ah?)

Describe yourself in less than 10 words!
A little boring. Somewhat blur. Maybe not so quiet.

1 comment:

  1. wah, u lidat say i shy. and other ppl laugh. i've always wondered why ppl choose lab work, thought it takes a super lot of work and time before getting significant results. now i know why...=P
