Sunday, March 7, 2010

Featured Rower of the Month - Matt!

In the month of March, we talk to one of our most hardworking and also one of the quieter rowers on the team, Matt! Oh yes, in case you are not aware, he is a certified coxswain as well. Great asset to the team. =)

How did you get to know about Sunday Dragons?
It was by fate that I joined Sunday Dragons. I met one of the Sunday Dragons rower, Kai Ming (ex-rower already....maybe you can get him back? haha.) in one of the courses I took with SSTI. Chatted with him over break time and found out that he was with Sunday Dragons. He invited me to join in and I agreed. Totally by chance. (We are all glad you spoke to Kai Ming, that is definitely a special moment for you and the team....fate is such an amazing thing...haha!)

How long have you been in the team and what made you join the team?
1 year plus I suppose. I decided to join cos the gals and guys were tough. (Ahem, we shall take that as a compliment. Yes! We are tough! And you are one of us!)

How do you feel about the sport?
Its mentally and physically challenging. I am glad I am in it. I always thought it is a mindless sport. "Just do it", no thinking kind of sports. (Haha, we are sure you are not the only one thinking that way....everybody who tries the sport should feel the just keep getting better as long as you train...)

Has Sunday Dragons changed your life in some way?
Made me fitter, less susceptible to sickness, allow me to know more nice peeps. =) (Looks like joining us is the best thing that happened to you hahah...get your friends to join us too!)

What other things do you do during your free time?
Giving free tuition, resting, ktv with frens, housework and other boring stuffs u can think of... hahaha (eh....yes, not very exciting....maybe being part of Sunday Dragons is interesting enough since we are such happening people to hang out with haha...)

We all know you are going to be a teacher. So why do you want to teach?
I find no meaning in my previous work. Having to work and help people at the same time is a bliss for me. (noble, noble)

How long have you been a vegetarian?
1 year plus. I just prefer vegetables and fruits over meat. (hmm, ok...healthy diet you have...we should learn from you...)

Is it difficult being a vegetarian?
Nope. being a dragon boater is tougher. (hahahaha....yes yes yes, totally agree!)

Tell us something about you that few people know.
I was super overweight when I was in Primary 6. I am still overweight now. (Show us your Primary school photo leh....sure damn cute looking!)

Describe yourself in less than 10 words!
An overweight guy with fats around waist (but will only get fitter!)


  1. Question for everyone -
    How many mat(s) do you see in the picture?
